It's time. In point of fact, it's past time. The BARBARians have not gathered together to drink beer for months now, and the liquor salesmen and -women of the greater Bay Area are starting to get a little panicky. To alleviate their concerns -- and to put a few coins in their coffers -- the following get-together has been proposed: This Saturday, July 21st, at the
Phoenix Irish Pub, located at 811 Valencia Street in San Francisco (easy walking distance from either the 16th and Mission or 24th and Mission BART stations), starting at approximately 1pm until
we can't stand anymore they throw us all out on our collective ass BART stops running.
And because it's been so long since we all got together, and because some people won't be able to make it this Saturday (or can't make it any Saturday), we're proposing a second gathering on Wednesday, August 1st, starting at 6pm, at either
Glen Park Station in SF or
Ben & Nick's in Oakland. Vote for your preference in the comments section here, or send an email to me, and I'll announce the decision by the end of this week.
(Cross posted at
The Generik Brand.)