Saturday, July 30, 2005

BARBARian Zeitgeist

In the spirit of the times, it's time for drinking, conversing, and being comfortably numb. So let's have a little motivation and fill our tankards at Zeitgeist this Tuesday, August 2, starting at 6pm until the light of the silvery moon casts shadows and the embers burn low...

We will raid the local Drinking Liberally crowd for new raiders readers.

See map for location and note that it's in walking distance from either the Civic Center or 16th Mission Bart stations.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Now That's A Party!!!!

In the last post, Scaramouche posed the question 'Where are today's Barbarians?'. Well, according to this post, they were apparently all rogered to death by a large granite phallus.

Here's a taste:

"The next day their orifices would begin to heal and the buzzing in their heads would wear off and they would swear never to do anything like that again. And because they were barbarians, they would one day invent new gods of fertility and sexuality, ones that thought lubrication was a good idea and encouraged the use of more forgiving materials for the construction of their phalluses, like tree-branches or wool or plastics."

If we're ever going to be anything but pretend-Barbarian poseurs, these are the type of parties we're gonna have start throwin'!! I say the next gathering after the Zeitgeist be held at a quarry.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Who are you talking 'bout...

In another attempt to sell parental discipline,one must read this odd piece titled Barbarians and Wimps: America's Boy Problem These parts caught my eye:
Where are today's barbarians? Moore locates them at the local shopping mall, wandering about in packs, recognizable by their sloppy dress, their lack of linguistic ability, their crudeness of manners, and their treatment of women. Barbarians do not need words nor use them, they communicate to each other through guttural grunts, shrugs, and various noises. When barbarians actually use words, their speech is most likely to be laced with profanity.

I think it's time for another uncouth and loudmouthed gathering for uncivilized drinking, guttural grunts, shrugs, and various noises.

Wimps, on the other hand, look to women for emotional support, consider girlfriends to be conversation partners, and look to women for pity. They are shameless.

Let's be shameless and invite all wonderful women we know.

I'm thinking August 2nd, at the Zeitgeist so we can troll for new readers from the Drinking Liberally crowd.n It's kind of close to BART. But any suggestions are welcome. Besides, Generik and Paperwight will be, hopefully, able to attend

See comments for more info.

Support Your Local Idiots With Too Much Free Time!!

Invite 'em up for the San Francisco 3-Minute Film Festival! This Saturday at Root Division on 17th and South VanNess. 7:30 PM. There will be a bar, there will be an hour or so of goofy short films, and even wacky sign-carrying fool Frank Chu will be there.

So spread the word however you can and come on down this Saturday. See you there!!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

It's all true, but not in my case...

All you ever need to know about the world of blogs and blogging: If these words were people, I would embrace their genocide.

Via South Knox Bubba)

Friday, July 08, 2005

BARBARians from the Distant North

Petaluman blogger Kevin Brennan, who is doing excellent work at Brother Kenya's Paradigm, has formally applied for membership in the Bay Area Resident Bloggers and Readers.

All in favor say aye.

Which reminds me: aren't we about due for a beer blast?