Friday, November 25, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Barbarian Source Media
Following on heels of a recent, not to be mentioned, blogger inspired media empire launch, I offer you the business strategy of BSM- Barbarian Souce Media.
This could be the next hottest IPO.

Here is the plan.
You know, if we post more ofter here I'm sure I could get someone from all the investment bankers I used to work for to give us the money.
Who else is in?
This could be the next hottest IPO.

Here is the plan.
First: We steal the logo (already done)
Third: Profit!!!
You know, if we post more ofter here I'm sure I could get someone from all the investment bankers I used to work for to give us the money.
Who else is in?
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Joe Wilson Recap

As I mentioned in my previous post, last night, the Goldman School of Public Policy hosted "A Conversation with Ambassador Joseph Wilson" at the I-house.
He spoke about his many years as a diplomat in Africa, how it was a choice between him and some other guy to explore the yellowcake issue in Niger, and how he went to Niger, not as a spy ("I don't do clandestine"), but out of service to his country.
What I've always wanted to know was specifically how Wilson arrived at the conclusion that the Bush administration's claim - that Iraq tried to obtain uranium from Africa, thereby justifying the U.S. invasion - was untrue. Wilson, familiar with the mining industry in Africa ("I am not a WMD expert"), went into some detail to explain what "yellowcake" is, and the kind of resources you'd need (people, machinery, water, etc.) to separate the ore, not to mention the paper trail that has to be in place for everything to be legit. Even if this was done off the books, Wilson said, we're talking about 500 tons of unenriched uranium - it would not go unnoticed.
After a brief Q & A session [he never did get to Scaramouche's burning questions, alas], Wilson said that if he were to boil the evening's conversation down to a core issue - or "moral of the story," if you will - it's what he has been saying all along: Yes, people who work in government work very hard, but it is our duty, as Americans, to be tireless in our efforts to hold these individuals accountable for their actions. This country has strayed so far away from its greatness, both here and abroad. Wilson said that this country is currently being run by a bunch of “radicals rallying under the banner of republicanism” — but what they are doing instead is damaging our country and not caring about the ripple effect these actions will have in the long run.
(revised and cross-posted at You Forgot Poland!)
UPDATE (by Scaramouche): You can see the Webcast here. It is worth watching because Wilson details his bonifides, how he was debreifed by the CIA, and explains how he determined that Niger could not be the supplier of yellowcake.
The Q&A was interesting, even if they didn't use my question. My question is in the comment for those iterested.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Doing anything this Wednesday?
If not, the Goldman School of Public Policy at ye olde alma mater, UC Berkeley, is having a "Conversation with Ambassador Joe Wilson" this Wednesday, 11/9.
I really would like to go, but I don't want to go alone. If anyone is interested in meeting me there, give me a holler. The event is free, open to the public, and if I remember correctly, the I-house cafe sells wine and beer. I'm just saying.
Plus, how often are you going to come face to face with someone so deeply involved in this country's current politics and directly related to Dubya's Big Lie?
Here are the details:
A Conversation with Ambassador Joe Wilson
(and Michael Nacht in small print, he's the GSPP dean, whatever)
Wednesday, Nov. 9
7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Chevron Auditorium
International House
2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley
Book sale and signing after talk.
I really would like to go, but I don't want to go alone. If anyone is interested in meeting me there, give me a holler. The event is free, open to the public, and if I remember correctly, the I-house cafe sells wine and beer. I'm just saying.
Plus, how often are you going to come face to face with someone so deeply involved in this country's current politics and directly related to Dubya's Big Lie?
Here are the details:
A Conversation with Ambassador Joe Wilson
(and Michael Nacht in small print, he's the GSPP dean, whatever)
Wednesday, Nov. 9
7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Chevron Auditorium
International House
2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley
Book sale and signing after talk.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Smarter than your average bear barbarian

Our first anniversary bash had some new faces show up. The professional bloggers (they had business cards - it don't more professional than that) from Needlenose (2/3rds at least) stopped by and contributed to the mayhem. I can smell Koufax awards for best group blog here!
We toasted many of times to Harriet Miers --"We hardly knew ya' girl" -- and talked about the "Crime of the Century." No, not Plame Gate, rather it was Supertramp. All in all, a good time was had by all, especially me*.
In the words of Generik, or at least 92.5% of them:
Last night the Bay Area Resident Bloggers And Readers Drinking Society celebrated their one-year anniversary at a bar new to most of us -- Glen Park Station, suggested by our own Barrespondent Drew of Scamboogah!! (who unfortunately couldn't make it) -- and a good time was had by all. Seriously, it was swell, and if you missed it, you missed a lot of good fun and good conversation and good beer. New faces this time were Swopa and Green Boy of Needlenose, and we all hope that they will become regular attendees in the future. Also showing up were Angie of Ang's Weird Ideas, Mags of You Forgot Poland!, Scaramouche, qubit the Token Reader, the King of Zembla, Hal from Hellblazer, Victor Shystee, Chuck from Bad Attitudes and Belisarius Blogs and The Editors from The Poor Man, with his lovely bride in tow. MIA, besides the aforementioned Drew, were Dr. Laniac and Paperwight, who both had to bow out at the last minute, mrgumby2u from itlookslikethis, Brian from 1000 Buffalo Stampede and fyrste from suckful, who apparently had band practice.(read the rest)
Another take on the evening can be found at Hellblazer which sums up the feelings I share:
Anyways, I had a fantastic time hanging out with people who don't treat me like an alien from planet nine when I start spouting off about politics. People who know the true meaning of Fitzmas...
It's refreshing.
Note: For those who don't know this, Jackson West (who somehow evaded our blogroll 'til now -- my bad) has an magnificent obsession.
* I would have written this up earlier but it took some time to recover...